1. Foyer wall. Got the new paint to finish the base layer for this wall. Have not even thought about opening it. I think now I need a new roller, since I was all "oh I'll be right back to this in a few days" and never cleaned off the old roller, just wrapped it in saran wrap. *sigh*
2. Boxes for the nursery. I FINALLY FINISHED THEM. If L.Soup wasn't already asleep I would march this last part up there right now and take pictures of all of them together. Its taken so long to get these done. I'll be happy when I don't have to look at them anymore. For a "quick project" they've been misery. Okay, that's an exaggeration. I just didn't expect them to take this long. They are looking super cute though, can't wait for them to be done so I can take pictures of them! I put the two bookshelf boxes in her room already because I was sick of books all over. I'll get some pictures tomorrow and post that right up.
3. A present for my mom. I have been working on this for a while, and originally you all were supposed to see this post before the reveal of the surprise. But I finished it and gave it to her yesterday. So that post went up because I got excited about it.
4. Sewing. Just all general sewing projects. Which have been on hold since I decided that I NEEDED the boxes to be done. Most important was L.Soup's 4th of July outfit. Well I actually did get this finished, the morning of the 4th (I'm totally not a procrastinator). I also made a pattern for some bibs that I'm going to make for her. So, there's a step in the right direction.
Now let's move on to the reasons I haven't gotten anything done.
First, and most importantly: Saturday, June 22 was Girls Day Out. There were cupcakes, and shopping, and day drinking, and more cupcakes, and BRUNO MARS. And it was incredible! It was one of my friend's birthdays, so we did an entire day of celebrating. I have a ton of pictures, but I didn't really dedicate a post to it, and now it's almost a month past and I feel I've missed the boat. Whoops.
Then Sunday D.Soup went fishing in the morning, and we hung out with some OTHER friends for dinner and frozen yogurt. Now, I'm not usually one to choose frozen yogurt over ice cream. But I must say that Yolavie is actually really good. We've been there twice in the last few days. We've had other places that we really were not happy with, but I can be down with sometimes substituting. Not all the time. No no no no.
In other (more disgusting, sorry) news. Sunday morning I went to snuggle in with L.Soup on the couch for nap time. And smelled something strange. I started looking around, and found cat pee on my couch! GAH! I couldn't believe it. I was so sad all the rest of the day. I cleaned up as much of it as I could, but of course he peed right where the back of the couch meets the seat, so I was never 100% sure that I got it all.
Now let me explain... One of my cats is very particular about the cleanliness of his litter box. We are normally really good about taking care of it, but sometimes it goes a little bit longer than it should before we clean it. We have 2 boxes, but haven't really found a good place for the second one, so currently we're working with 1, which is not a good thing when you have 2 cats. Anywho. A few times in the past, he's used the couch as a litter box. I don't know why he decided on the couch, but that's where he goes. I guess its because he knows we are there all the time. But never NEVER before has he peed. It's always been poop... Which sounds like it would be more disgusting than pee... But in actuality I've always been grateful because cat pee is not something that you can get out of ANYTHING. It always smells. *sigh*
So immediately when D.Soup got home I demanded that we go to the furniture store and pick out a new couch. We found one that we liked, but we were still looking around when a salesman came up and started talking to us. We ended up asking him about getting animal urine smells out of the couch and he asked if we had gotten a warranty on the couch when we had purchased it. And we had. So we felt a little better about that. AND we found the matching loveseat to the couch we currently have, which had been discontinued, and was on sale! So we bought that and headed home happier with the news that we could have someone come clean the couch and get use out of our warranty...
WELL, come to find out. Because there is no actual stain on the couch, and it's just smell, the warranty does not cover it! Of course not! How is a couch that's DARK BROWN going to get a stain on it EVER. Answer? IT'S NOT. So what's the point of paying for a warranty (which we really only got BECAUSE of situations like this) if it's not going to cover the ONE TIME I need it. I was so angry. It does cover other things, like scratches and if its broken, things of that nature. So I guess there's still a chance for me to need it. But why INCLUDE "pet urine" and "pet feces" into the list, when you know the only REAL worry with those things is the SMELL.
Moving on...
On Tuesday's schedule was the delivery of a shed D.Soup bought with his bonus money. The only problem is the delivery time was 9-5. And someone needed to be there to sign for it. Luckily my parents came over in the morning and watched L.Soup at our house and waited for the delivery.
Wednesday was the pick up for our new loveseat. D.Soup and one of our friends drove over to the furniture place and picked it up while I picked L.Soup up from my parents. We got there about the same time. I got everything together to pass the boat pads on to our friend while they put the few pieces. When they finished putting the loveseat together, they plopped down onto it, reclined both their seats and started holding hands... I just about fell over. I was laughing too hard to even think about getting my camera, and I'm really sad about that now. Then we handed over the boat pads...
He was happy to have them (and to not have spent a million dollars on them) and I was happy to get them out of my house. At least I got one thing completed.
I borrowed a wet vac and went to work on the couch. I'm hoping that fixed all the issues.
After that we met D.Soup's family for dinner. I got a salad because everything else on the menu at Friendly's is well over 900 calories, and that's a bit extreme. By the time we got home and got Little Miss to bed, we were not in the mood to do anything. So we sat on our new loveseat and watched the first episode of this season on Rizzoli and Isles! I was so excited that it was coming back on!
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That next weekend was filled with building the shed, laundry and preparing for vacation!
More on that later.
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