The boxes are all finished! Finally. I kind of pushed them to the side there for a little while. I got burned out with all the painting that was happening. Then I realized that I was cutting it mighty close to get
L.Soup's 4th of July outfit finished in time for her to actually wear it on the 4th of July. Then I finished working on the
bow display that I made for my mom as a surprise. Hey, at least I'm getting something done.
So at long last. Here they are: (I apologize for the iffy pictures, it was late and passed L.Soup's bedtime. So these were a little rushed)
Yellow Top with Blue handles. White Middle. Gray Bottom. |
Orange Top. White Middle. Pink Bottom. And a little D.Soup shoe action. |
Terrible lighting... Purple Top. White Middle. Red Bottom. |
In its designated space |
Green on the very top. |
Top drawer stores diapers. Bottom drawer stores wipes. We have a little bit of a problem already, because the bookshelves are pretty much full. I can't really put a second row behind the first because we'll never remember they are back there. Although, L.Soup likes to yank all the books out of the shelf and leave them all over the room. So two rows might not be much of an issue.
Next up are the shelves. I'd like them to look something like this:
One for above her changing table, so I have a place to display some of the picture type stuff that I have for her room. Also, one above the dresser, so I can put her name blocks there, and give myself some more display space on the dresser. I think we have all the supplies that I need to get these started. But I'm not sure how long its going to take to build up the motivation.
D. Soup is using the some plywood to build seats for his boat. When he is done we're going to use the leftovers for this project. He hasn't started them yet, so obviously I can't get to work on these. Good thing too because I've got
other things I need to finish.
I'll let you know how that goes.
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