Friday we ate in (I made Cheeseburger Pie! Yum!) and played games. It was a nice and relaxing.
Saturday the boys decided to go play golf. Which left my friend and I to go SHOPPING... I got a bunch of stuff. Most importantly, a dress for the wedding I'm in next month:
I also got myself a new bag. As much as it saddened me to replace the bag named after me, it was a pain to carry around on my elbow. The strap that was made to carry on your shoulder didn't stay in place and would always fall down. So now, I'm toting around this beautiful masterpiece:
Since it was my friend's husband's birthday weekend, we went out to a small bar in Ocean City on Saturday night. While we were out we found the most amazing dresses to wear out, even though we would be completely overdressed... we didn't care. It would be totally worth it:
Now we just need to find a place to wear them :) That shouldn't be too difficult.
Oh, I also bought 3 new pair of shoes. I can't seem to find pictures of them anywhere online, so I'll have to take my one pictures and upload them here.
Of course, Sunday was beautiful and warmer than any other day this weekend. And we couldn't really enjoy much of it because we were packing up and preparing to make the trek back home. Although I did get to take Calli for a walk in the morning. It was good until we encountered two GIANT dogs and Calli nervous tinkled all over herself while they investigated her. My poor baby.
The other good news is that my husband got a new phone yesterday. His Droid had been acting up and he was continually raging about how he hated it. So he now has the new HTC Thunderbolt, I am completely jealous... I have to wait until July to get a new phone.
Patience is not something I'm usually good at.
I'm glad to hear that you weekend away was a success! Love the dresses! And the bag! I'm looking forward to seeing the shoes.